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I’m Dr Helen B Johnson, I’ve always been curious about what makes us tick and how we can transform our lives and shift our energies, I have gathered a lot of wisdom in my time.


From philosophy, to Buddhism, to energy healing techniques, I love to play around with ideas and create new approaches to success, transformation, and relationships.

My Story

To me coaching skills shouldn't be limited to people who decide that they want to focus on coaching in their careers – it’s something we all need to master. I’ve dedicated my career to gathering tools that help people to make change and to live a ‘good life’. Some people call this stuff ‘soft’ or ‘woo’ but I think the really soft stuff is when we stay on the surface – only really thinking about ‘the what’ and the small hill we need to climb that is in front of us, instead of learning self mastery and honing our ability to face the world with resilience, wisdom, and positivity. Anyone who does this kind of work knows that it takes attention and maintenance, it can’t simply be ignored (and trust me… I love to wing it in many things!).

I am a PCC Coach with the International Coach Federation and I have trained over 100 people to be coaches so far… However, my coaching and personal development experience stretches out from way before I officially became a coach. I have an eclectic background and I draw from this in the coaching training I offer – I don’t stick to one style of thinking and I understand WHY the coaching competencies we learn are important. I believe that no matter how much of a big deal we are in our careers, we can always be more successful (in the widest sense, meaning impact and satisfaction…) when we are completely connected to ourselves, aligned, and rid of all the masks and BS that can clutter our thinking and even our actions… By learning coaching skills, people can help others to reconnect to themselves fully but they also get to do this for themselves first.

What coaching did for me is help me to pull together my wisdom that I had collected over the years and to fill the gap in my skills and understanding, particularly around communication, empowerment of others, and active listening. Similarly, I help people to fully integrate the coaching skills they develop into who they are and their own unique purpose.



  • ICF Coach Accreditation (coaching diploma achieved, with full certification in Dec 2020)

  • Certified NLP Practitioner (ABNLP)

  • Diploma in Integrated Energy Techniques (NLP, Hypnotherapy, EFT)

  • AAMET Advanced EFT Practitioner

  • Personal Construct Psychology training

  • PhD on the social psychological process of how people change their lives

Facts About Me


I’m hard to pigeon hole – I love a bit of woo and my working life hasn’t been conventional but I also have a Phd in Criminology and Social Psychology, am an ex barrister, and have a Philosophy degree from the University of Oxford…


I have a laid back approach  – I’m a master at both the light and the dark, keeping perspective and humour while also challenging myself and going deep – and this is the approach I take in coaching/training too.


I love to surf but I’m not very good. I once read a book called ‘Why Lawyers Should Surf’ – who knew that lawyers and surfers need the same skills! I once went on a surf holiday only to find that the surf instructor was also a lawyer… 


I have ADHD and I do a lot of coaching with neurodiverse people in the workplace. Without realising, I spent my whole career avoiding working in an office because I cannot sit at a desk without making a bid for freedom…!


“Working with Helen left me feeling amazing. I couldn't beleive how calm I felt, how positive, and how smooth my mind was. It really gave me the relief and clarity that I needed and I have seen it have a positive impact on my relationships. Helen makes you feel like you can be the best version of yourself and feel good about yourself.”


  • What can we talk about?
    Why your inner arch enemy always ends up being your knight in shining armour (and how to stop rejecting and start loving that part of you!) Why 'doing what you love' is BS and what to focus on instead The biggest mistakes that coaches and people helping empower others make - and how to avoid these Why guilt and shame are hot commodities and how to stop wasting money on them How to forgive personal development for its traps and failings (and my top three – drama, arrogance, and surface bullshit) How to embrace the law of attraction without policing yourself into oblivion The most unexpected tool I found for really embracing all parts of myself - and the massive difference this makes How to heal from watching sociopaths and narcissists be successful - and quiet the voice that thinks you need to be more ruthless The lost art of wisdom and nuance - and why we need it back Stages of change and how to help people (and yourself) navigate through them
  • How do I work with you?
    I help people challenge their bullshitty beliefs that stop them from being the best they can be in whatever they turn their mind to. I have a laser focus on getting to the heart of the matter. Through a eclectic - but seriously powerful - toolkit, I create the results-driving awareness you need. I make your mind a happier place to be by releasing the emotion, habits of thought, and patterns of behaviour that you don’t need. I make things feel lighter without compromising on your impact and and purpose. Through fast-acting coaching and energetic healing (using NLP, EFT, and other great stuff), I help clients to shake off their self-doubt and self-lies and shake up their beliefs, thinking and awareness so that they can really own their incredible feckin power. I’m the sidekick to a whole bunch of superheroes, boosting their superpowers and supporting them to protect their wellbeing while they deliver their phenomenal strengths to their clients, colleagues, family, and friends… It helps if you are: intelligent, kind, a bit unruly, questioning, neither an outright rebel nor a conformist (you do it YOUR way!), emotionally brave, and have a mischievous sense of humour.
  • How do you work?
    I use my coaching skills combined with energy techniques, with Emotional Freedom Therapy at the heart of this. Other things we might draw from are: Wealth Dynamics personality profiling (and others! Such as DISC and MBTi) Neuroscience in coaching Positive psychology Strengths and values coaching Buddhism Jungian archetypes Western philosophy Spotting and cutting through BS
  • What is a session with you like?
    I like to coach by finding the hidden blocks to getting you exactly where you want to be. I go deep but also focus on making things lighter for you, creating more ease and enjoyment in what you are doing. I am focused on helping clients to reach their goals but only in a way that is aligned to their core self and natural strengths. I use a blend of neuroscience, positive psychology (without toxic positivity!), and tried and tested techniques from across different sources of wisdom to help clients let go of habits of thought, feeling, and behaviour that are holding them back. I am insightful and get to the core of what is really going on for my clients. My approach is to be challenging - but always kind - fun to work with, energising, and able to facilitate transformation in a way that feels right. My areas of expertise are mindset and wellbeing, personal growth, career or business development, and neurodiversity.
  • What is EFT?
    You know how there are some thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that you just can't seem to shift no matter how much you talk them out, reason with yourself or meditate on them?! Well, Emotional Freedom Therapy or 'tapping' is a tool that helps you do just that. It helps you to release and let go of anything that doesn't serve you - clearing the negative so that the positive can emerge naturally. If you ever feel like 'positive thinking' is challenging because your old - maybe even subconscious - beliefs still have a hold on you, then tapping can help to loosen their hold without trying to force it or fake it til you make it… You will then be clear to receive all the good without the struggle - and tapping can help you affirm the positive in your life too. It helps you to reach your natural state of calm, joy and abundance. The idea behind EFT is that our minds and bodies are connected and that the impact of negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions are stored in our bodies. For example, sometimes a particular thought will produce a strong physical reaction whenever it comes to our mind, such as the knot in our stomach that emerges every time we are reminded of that deadline at work… or the way we can tense up just thinking about stepping onto a packed train at 8am… EFT works by helping to release any negative charge - think of it as a stress response - as you address your thoughts and beliefs, which in turn helps to release the thoughts and beliefs themselves. As a result, you find more balance and calm. Tapping tells your body that it is safe and allows you to feel more centred. Tapping works fast so in one session you are likely to feel a sense of release. The physical experience of doing tapping is testament enough to its effectiveness. However, it also works on a subconscious level to transform your thought patterns to ones that serve you better. In my work I also use Neuro Linguistic Programming. NLP is a great compliment to EFT, it works on transforming the way that you think. I'm sure you are familiar with the idea that it is our inner lives that creates our outer lives. Through NLP you can develop a way of thinking and feeling about the world that empowers you. The beauty of both techniques is that they work with you as you are right now. You can be really honest about how you think and feel and don't need to force yourself to think or feel any differently. Instead, the techniques will allow you to feel better and develop, at your own pace, thought patterns that work for you. The most important part of EFT is to be loving and accepting of yourself - who can argue with that?!

Book in an EFT session with Me

The process of coaching provides an opportunity for self-discovery and connection with your inner guidance system. Ready to gain new clarity for yourself? Let's get started, get in touch below or find out more here.

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